New Data Shows the Most Dangerous Streets for Bicyclists in Boston

Boston is a beautiful, historic city. Exploring its historical trails and paths is a part of Bostonian culture. With well-planned infrastructure and a cycling-friendly atmosphere, it is a haven for two-wheeled adventurers. The network of bike lanes and paths crisscrossing the city grants cyclists the freedom to explore its vibrant neighborhoods and iconic landmarks on…

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Understanding Spinal Cord Compression from Car Accidents

Boston experiences a significant number of car accidents every year, with drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists suffering from severe injuries. It is no secret that navigating our city’s infrastructure can be a risky endeavor. Car accidents can result in various types of injuries, and one of the most severe is spinal cord injury. The spinal cord…

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Utility Box Falls on Woman at MBTA Station

On Monday, May 1, a heavy utility box fell from the ceiling at the Harvard MBTA station, injuring a commuter waiting for her train. These boxes were part of a pilot program that ran from 2011 to 2013 and have been unused since 2013, weighing anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds. As of this writing,…

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Help for Serious Neck and Spine Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences, both physically and emotionally. Injuries sustained in a car accident can have long-term consequences on your health, well-being, and financial stability. Neck and spine injuries are among the most common and serious injuries resulting from car accidents, and they can have a significant impact on your daily life. These…

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The Financial Impact of Traumatic Amputation Injuries

Traumatic amputation injuries can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, affecting not only their physical health but also their financial stability. The direct and indirect costs of these injuries can be overwhelming, including hospitalization and surgery expenses, costs of prosthetics and assistive devices, rehabilitation and physical therapy costs, lost wages and income, reduced…

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The Rights and Responsibilities of Pedestrians in Boston

Pedestrians may not be riding on the roads and sharing lanes with cars, but they certainly have many rights that motorists must respect. Pedestrians are much more vulnerable than those behind metal shields, so even a simple tap from a car can cause grave injuries. It is crucial that pedestrians know their rights while they…

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The Long-Term Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury

Most people don’t know that even a so-called mild traumatic brain injury can have profound and long-lasting effects. A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a medical emergency that occurs when there has been a hard blow to the head or an item has penetrated the brain. Any event that causes the brain to bounce…

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Breakstone, White & Gluck Recognized in 2022 Super Lawyers Rankings: Top 100 Massachusetts Super Lawyers and Massachusetts Super Lawyers in Personal Injury

We are pleased to announce that Marc L. Breakstone, David W. White and Ronald E. Gluck have been selected by their peers for 2022 Massachusetts Super Lawyers honors. Our attorneys have been named to the Top 100 Massachusetts Super Lawyers list and the Massachusetts Super Lawyers lists in the specialties of personal injury and medical malpractice. The lists will be featured in local…

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