The Gluck Legal Takeaway: EBikes Legal and Insurance Issues

Ebikes, also known as EAPCs- electronically assisted pedal cycles, have become very popular over the past 10 years. The Industry is exploding with new models and new users.  In Massachusetts bikes fall into the Ebike category if they are motorized but the motors have a maximum speed of twenty-five mile per hour. Massachusetts restricts use…

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Understanding Professional Negligence

When professionals breach their duty of care or fail to perform their responsibilities to the required standards of their profession, we refer to this poor conduct as professional negligence. This can result in damage or financial loss to the client who hired the professional to provide the expected standard of service in the profession. If…

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Is Brake Checking Illegal in Massachusetts?

If you’ve been in a rear-end accident recently, you might have heard the term “brake checking” used in describing what happened. If you’re not familiar with it, we explain brake checking here. We discuss whether or not it’s legal in Massachusetts, why people brake check, and what to do if you’ve been in an accident…

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Best Lawyers in America Recognizes Breakstone, White & Gluck Among Boston’s Top-Ranked Personal Injury Lawyers in 2022 Editions

We are pleased to announce that Best Lawyers has recognized Marc L. Breakstone, David W. White and Ronald E. Gluck in the 2022 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America®. Our attorneys were recognized among the top-ranked Boston lawyers in four specialties: personal injury law, medical malpractice law, professional malpractice and insurance law. This is…

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What is a Clean Driving Record?

Many of us work hard to preserve and improve our reputation. A person’s reputation matters a great deal in their professional and even their personal life. As a motorist, possessing a clean driving record is the closest thing to having a pristine reputation. The current status of your driving record can make a huge difference…

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How Pain and Suffering Can Affect Your Personal Injury Case

If you’re pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against someone, you should understand the factors that strengthen your case. To accomplish that, you must be familiar with the terms pain and suffering and how they use them in a legal setting. Pain and suffering seem to be relatively straightforward terms, but there’s a fair amount of…

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