App-Based Solutions for Distracted Driving in MA

Did you know that a simple app could help you avoid distractions while driving? Distracted driving puts everyone at risk, but technology now offers solutions that make it easier to stay focused on the road. What is distracted driving, and why is it dangerous? Distracted driving happens when a motorist does anything that takes their…

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How Boston’s Winter Weather Increases the Risk of Car Accidents

Boston’s winters are notoriously harsh, with snowstorms, icy roads, freezing rain, and low visibility. All these weather issues can make driving during the winter not only challenging but also significantly more dangerous than during the other three seasons. As the temperatures drop, the risk of car accidents increases, making it more likely that you or…

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The Dangers of Electric Vehicles

Every day, millions of Americans hop into their electric cars or sport utility vehicles (SUVs) to hit the road. Electric vehicles (EVs) are advertised as superior to the average passenger vehicle in just about every way: Better for the planet. Better for your wallet. Just… better. But are they? As it turns out, electric vehicles…

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Nerve Damage After a Car Accident

Car accidents happen every day. Whether a quick trip to the store, commuting to work, or taking your family for a fun day out, there is a risk every time you get into a motor vehicle. Even a seemingly minor accident can cause serious injuries – including some with lifelong consequences. Among those potential injuries…

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Using Traffic Camera Footage as Evidence in a Car Accident

Car accidents can be traumatic, leaving victims with injuries, financial burdens, and emotional distress. Establishing fault and securing fair compensation can be challenging, especially when conflicting accounts of the accident happen. In such cases, traffic camera footage can be invaluable in providing clear, unbiased evidence. Today, we want to help you understand the importance of…

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How Do You Prove a Distracted Driver Caused an Accident?

You’re driving along the road when suddenly – bam – a distracted driver hits you, causing an accident and injuries. When distracted drivers cause accidents, whether by taking their minds or eyes off the road or their hands off the wheel, they should be held accountable for the resulting damages. However, establishing that the driver…

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What Does “Safe Following Distance” Mean Under the Law?

Tailgating is dangerous.  When drivers follow too closely, they increase the likelihood of accidents, especially during sudden traffic speed changes and lane maneuvers. For this reason, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has rules about what constitutes a “safe following distance” for vehicles. Under 720 Mass. Reg. 9.06, “The driver of a vehicle shall not follow another…

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Can I Request an Accident Report in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts Public Records Law gives every person access to either a standard or certified accident report. Any member of the public can search the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) database. The one caveat is that the accident report must have been filed by a state or local police agent. Reports are typically available…

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How Does PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Work After a Car Accident?

Policyholders pay their insurance premiums so money is available if and when they need it. If your home is damaged in a tornado, your homeowner’s insurance will help you repair it. If you have automotive insurance, you will have money available following a car accident. If you need a surgical procedure, your health insurance helps…

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