Distracted Driving and Bicycle Accidents in Boston

In Boston, as in many other cities across the United States, distracted driving is a growing problem that puts bicyclists at risk of injury or even death. As personal injury attorneys, we have seen firsthand the devastating consequences of bicycle accidents caused by distracted driving. Our bike accident attorneys have been helping injured cyclists for decades. Here…

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Help for Serious Neck and Spine Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents can be traumatic experiences, both physically and emotionally. Injuries sustained in a car accident can have long-term consequences on your health, well-being, and financial stability. Neck and spine injuries are among the most common and serious injuries resulting from car accidents, and they can have a significant impact on your daily life. These…

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Pedestrian Fatalities Rising Across Massachusetts

A recent article in the Boston Globe revealed that pedestrian deaths are rising across the state. Not only did the number of deaths increase, but the number of cities and towns that experience fatal pedestrian accidents also increased. The Globe reported, “Massachusetts had a 35 percent increase in pedestrian deaths in 2022, when 101 people…

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The Financial Impact of Traumatic Amputation Injuries

Traumatic amputation injuries can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, affecting not only their physical health but also their financial stability. The direct and indirect costs of these injuries can be overwhelming, including hospitalization and surgery expenses, costs of prosthetics and assistive devices, rehabilitation and physical therapy costs, lost wages and income, reduced…

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Who Pays the Medical Bills After a Boston Car Accident?

When a car accident takes place, the injured victim can be left wondering what to do next. As they’re in the hospital waiting to be treated, they’re speculating how they are going to possibly cover all these medical expenses, even if they have insurance. After an accident like this one, it’s natural to not know…

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The Rights and Responsibilities of Pedestrians in Boston

Pedestrians may not be riding on the roads and sharing lanes with cars, but they certainly have many rights that motorists must respect. Pedestrians are much more vulnerable than those behind metal shields, so even a simple tap from a car can cause grave injuries. It is crucial that pedestrians know their rights while they…

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Truck Accidents and Blind Spots: What to Know

Almost by instinct, car drivers are typically wary of commercial trucks when driving alongside them. We may be familiar with our car’s blind spots, but how many people are actually aware of all those of a truck? We know to give them extra space and to be more cautious around them, but many drivers may…

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